Life On Your Terms
The first A Swift Kick in The Ass podcast episode was released October 8th 2014 by two lifelong friends, John Curren and Tom Stewart, who set out to disrupt conventional belief and get people thinking about how to live a kick ass life.
It was on that day John and Tom stopped being “Podcast Posers” and became legitimate podcasters. (A little cheering would be appreciated).
In this partnership, the two lifetime friends produced over 100 episodes that have been heard in over 140 countries throughout this world.
Sadly, on August 16th, 2020, Tom (Tommy) Stewart passed away from brain cancer with his wife by his side.
Though Tom can no longer be at the microphone, it was his wish that the show go on. He felt the message was too important to be silenced.
Tom’s spirit is very much alive for the show is built on his very strongly held belief that everyone is the hero in their own story.
John Curren continues to share his journey and works to motivate others to live more fully on their terms.
Each episode is geared to help you get your ass moving in a very real and down to earth way. This is no ordinary lifestyle.
Living on Your Terms is the intentional crafting a way of life (or style of living) that aligns with the very essense of who you are.
The show is not going to hold your hand, put an arm around you with a pat on the back and an “It’s okay”. It will hold you accountable for your own life and help you get traction on your plan.
Look around the Lifestyle design space and you will see a lot of fluff and coddling. Maybe I should offer a participation award? A trophy? No. Just brutally honest discussion about Life and topics to help ordinary people create extraordinary change.
You see, Life on your Terms isn’t something that involves participation awards or crying to Daddy, Mommy or someone else about how bad your life is while you do nothing about it.
Lifestyle design is not about sitting on the beach, drinking refreshing umbrella drinks while watching your bank account balance increase because you have “ passive income”.
You can live on your terms and work for some one else. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur. This is not a pyramid scheme nor is it a quick fix.
With that being said, you are the hero in your own story. What are doing that is going to save your day?
John was several hundred thousand dollars in debt and paid it off without going bankrupt in about 3 years. It can be done.
But finance is only part of the picture.
We also talk about Individualism, environment, spiritual, mental health, social convention, and power. The intent is to raise awareness and talk about things that simply bring solution.
John has some acronyms behind his name you may find important. He holds two Master level degrees in: Health Administration (MHA) and Business Administration in Risk Management and Insurance (MBARMI). He also holds a Bachelor of Science in Health Science Education in Community Health. He has been working in large private and federal organizations within the healthcare industry for over 3o years. He isn’t a doctor. But is happy to take a look at it.
Keep kicking ass!